Dolan's Crew

LT Dolan's Crew

Standing (L to R): Larry Maxim (NG), Ralph Covert (ROG), David Nicolette (WG), Jack Marks (FE), Oscar De Man (BG). Front (L to R): Ken Dolan (P), Ken Lamer (CP), John Murphy (N), Charles Cooper (B). (submitted by Jim Marsteller)

#580 was originally accepted by the 834th BS and flew as the "Dream King." Its call sign was Deepseat P Peter. Transferred the the 832nd and renamed "Flak Sak" this aircraft failed to return from a mission to Ziesar, Germany. Four of Dolan's crewmen are listed as KIA, and 3 as POW. Ken Dolan and Larry Maxim were temporarily in the custody of the Germans, until they were overrun by elements of the 9th Armored Division.

At an altitude of 22,000' FLAK hit #580 just after IP. Smoke from #3 and #4 obscured the aircraft from view.  All crewmen bailed out from the stricken aircraft successfully. However, LTs Lamer and Murphy, along with SGTs Marks and Sarockas were captured by SS troops after landing. LT Dolan and SGT Maxim were liberated a few days later when the Americans entered the City they were being held in. (MACR 14188)

Name Rank Position First Mission Last Mission Status
Kenneth P. Dolan 1st LT Pilot   04/10/45 WIA/RTD
Kenneth E. Lamer 2nd LT Copilot 02/19/45 04/10/45 KIA
John S. Murphy 2nd LT Navigator 02/19/45 04/10/45 KIA
Jack H. Marks S/SGT Flight Engineer/Top 02/19/45 04/10/45 KIA
Charles Sarockas, Jr. SGT Tail 02/19/45 04/10/45 KIA
Larry T Maxim SGT Nose/Toggelier 02/19/45 04/10/45 WIA/RTD
David W. Nicolette SGT Waist 02/19/45 04/10/45 POW
Oscar A. De Man SGT Ball 02/19/45 04/10/45 POW
Ralph R. Covert SGT Radio Operator/Waist 02/19/45 04/10/45 POW
Mission Date Name ID S/N Type
147 02/19/45   TL 43-38040 B17G
148 02/21/45   TL 43-38040 B17G
149 02/22/45 Mr. Completely TA 43-37902 B17G
150 02/23/45 The Struggle Bunny TJ 43-37942 B17G
152 02/25/45 The Struggle Bunny TJ 43-37942 B17G
155 02/28/45   TS 43-37928 B17G
156 03/02/45 The Old yard Dog TF 42-98006 B17G
159 03/07/45 The Struggle Bunny TJ 43-37942 B17G
163 03/11/45 The Struggle Bunny TJ 43-37942 B17G
165 03/14/45 The Struggle Bunny TJ 43-37942 B17G
167 03/17/45 The Struggle Bunny TJ 43-37942 B17G
168 (spare) 03/18/45 The Struggle Bunny TJ 43-37942 B17G
169 03/19/45 The Struggle Bunny TJ 43-37942 B17G
170 03/21/45 The Struggle Bunny TJ 43-37942 B17G
171 03/22/45 The Struggle Bunny TJ 43-37942 B17G
172 03/23/45 The Struggle Bunny TJ 43-37942 B17G
173 03/24/45 The Struggle Bunny TJ 43-37942 B17G
175 03/30/45   TS 43-37928 B17G
176 03/31/45 The Struggle Bunny TJ 43-37942 B17G
177 04/03/45 The Struggle Bunny TJ 43-37942 B17G
178 04/04/45 The Old yard Dog TF 42-98006 B17G
179 04/05/45   PH 43-38163 B17G
180 04/07/45 The Old yard Dog TF 42-98006 B17G
183 04/10/45 Dream King DP 44-6580 B17G
Completed 22 Missions

Created: 01/20/99 Modified: 12/23/16

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