Heinz' Crew


A/C 499 was flying in number 3 position of the lead element of the high squadron of the 486th Group. This group was the 4E group of the 4th Combat Wing. Flak in the target area was intense and accurate. Aircraft was hit by flak in the target area; crews are of the opinion that the Tokyo tank in the right wing was hit. At 1415 MET, location 57ö 27'N-09ö 34'E, altitude 25,000, black smoke was seen coming out of the right wing. The aircraft pulled off to the left of the formation and the crew members started to clear the ship. The Hunter and Frese crews observed 8 chutes. Then the right wing tip broke off and the aircraft turned over and another man bailed out. All men cleared the A/C and all chutes opened. The A/C was last seen going down through clouds with the right wing burning.

SGT Cole later filed a report of the downing. He reports that Scott, Brock, all and Wright jumped with him when the order to bail out came. They were rounded up by Germans soldiers once they were on the ground. However, he did not observed the other crewmen exit the aircraft, and assumed they perished when the aircraft blew up in the air. Everyone with Cole was injured, Scott's injuries were serious, and was carried on a stretcher.

SGT Cole also states that SGT Allen saw SGT Lopez in a school house. SGT Lopez landed alive, but later died from his injuries. According to Allen, Lopez told the school teacher he was Spanish before had died.  It is not know if his injuries were sustained in the air, or inflicted by the Germans after he landed. Wright had told Cole that Lopez did have trouble exiting the aircraft, and the delay getting him out may have cost the other crewmen their lives.

SGT Brock's report states that he was told by Scott, that SGT Myers had passed out from lack of oxygen as he prepared to bail out. He was revived and exited the aircraft, and was killed once he landed. To his knowledge everyone bailed successfully, but Heinz, Landeck and Myers were most likely killed by Germans. (MACR 11152)

Name Rank Position First Mission Last Mission Status
Howard R. Heinz 2nd LT Pilot   11/30/44 KIA
Donald R. Landeck 2nd LT Copilot   11/30/44 KIA
James J. Scott 2nd LT Bombardier   11/30/44 RTD
Robert R. Cole S/SGT Tail   11/30/44 POW
Walter E. Wright SGT Radio Operator   11/30/44 POW
Leo A. Myers, Jr. SGT Right Waist   11/30/44 MIA
John R. Brock SGT Ball   11/30/44 POW
Richard L. Lopez SGT Flight Engineer/Top   11/30/44 KIA
Bobby D. Allen SGT Left Waist   11/30/44 POW
070 09/01/44   TK 43-37937 B17G
072 09/05/44 Smokey Stover TD 43-37916 B17G
073 09/09/44 Smokey Stover TD 43-37916 B17G
075 09/11/44   TC 43-37910 B17G
077 09/13/44 Smokey Stover TD 43-37916 B17G
079 09/19/44 The Blue Fairy (Flippy?) TJ 43-37942 B17G
080 09/21/44 The Blue Fairy TJ 43-37942 B17G
081 09/25/44 The Blue Fairy TJ 43-37942 B17G
085 10/02/44   TL 43-38040 B17G
087 10/05/44   TB 43-37835 B17G
088 10/06/44   PR 42-97968 B17G
090 10/09/44 The Blue Fairy TJ 43-37942 B17G
092 10/15/44 The Blue Fairy TJ 43-37942 B17G
093 10/17/44 The Blue Fairy TJ 43-37942 B17G
095 10/19/44 Mr. Completely TA 43-39902 B17G
096 10/22/44 The Blue Fairy TJ 43-37942 B17G
098 10/26/44 The Blue Fairy TJ 43-37942 B17G
099 10/30/44 The Blue Fairy TJ 43-37942 B17G
104 11/09/44 Mr. Completely TA 43-39902 B17G
105 11/10/44 Lady V II PK 44-8130 B17G
106 11/16/44 Blue Grass Girl TV 43-38031 B17G
107 11/21/44 ------- NB 43-37835 B17G
110 11/30/44   TD 44-8499 B17G-45-VE

Crew completed 24 missions

Created 01/20/99 Modified 12/23/16

Copyright © 1998-2025, 486th Bomb Group Association.