Santa Anna's Crew

Crew of "(Batchelor's) Maiden's Delight" prior to deploying to England, Sept. 44.

Standing (L to R): H. R. Martin (FE), H. G. Johnson, Jr., (ROG), C. A. Chandler (Armorer/G), W. W. Cross (BG), W. L. Johnson (G), V. G. Hilt (G). Front (L to R): Hector "Jim" Santa Anna (P), J. B. Chenowith (CP), K. R. Christoph (N), C. J. Seibel (B). W. L. Johnson was transferred to another crew and was killed in action. (reprinted from the O&W N/L winter 92)

On February 25th, the Santa Anna crew was treated to a heavy barrage of FLAK. Batchelor's (Maiden's) Delight was badly damaged, but the crew was miraculously spared. One engine was lost, the others were damaged to some extent, and only one engine was at full power. German gunners on the ground succeeded in shooting out the radio, oxygen system and elevator controls. The gas tanks were like sieves and oil leaked from one of the engines all over the airframe.

Batchelor's Delight was floundering and Santa Anna fought to keep the aircraft airborne and nursed it into friendly territory. There were intercepted by a B-25 which guided them to an allied airfield in Belgium. Both tires of Batchelor's Delight were shot out and LT Santa Anna had to make a crash landing. The aircraft was declared junk and salvaged. The crew returned to England the following day, courtesy of the RAF.

Name Rank Position First Mission Last Mission Status
Santa Anna, Hector "Jim" 1st LT  Pilot   03/03/45 Completed tour 
Chenoweth, J. B.   Copilot   03/03/45 Completed tour
Christoph, Karl R.   Navigator   03/03/45 Completed tour, WIA.
Seibel, C. J.   Bombardier   03/03/45 Completed tour
Martin, H. R.   Flight Engineer/Top   03/03/45 Completed tour
Johnson, H. G.   Radio Operator/Waist   03/03/45 Completed tour
Chandler, Coy A.   Nose/Tail   03/03/45 Completed tour
Cross, W. W.   Ball   03/03/45 Completed tour
Hilt, V. G.   Waist   03/03/45  Completed tour
Mission Date Name ID S/N Type
106 11/16/44 Old Yard Dog TF 42-98006 B17G
107 11/21/44   TE 43-37939 B17G
108 11/25/44 Old Yard Dog TF 42-98006 B17G
110 11/30/44 Old Yard Dog TF 42-98006 B17G
111 12/04/44 Old Yard Dog TF 42-98006 B17G
113 12/10/44 Old Yard Dog TF 42-98006 B17G
116 12/16/44 Miss B. Havin NN 43-38859 B17G
117 12/23/44   TE 4x-xx009 B17G
118 12/24/44 The Prowler TK 43-37937 B17G
120 12/28/44 The Blue Fairy TJ 43-37942 B17G
123 12/31/44   PM 44-8595 B17G
124 01/01/45   PT 43-38925 B17G
125 01/02/45 Sleepy Time Gal PD 42-98007 B17G
130 01/10/45 Batchelor's Delight TR 43-38027 B17G
131 01/13/45 Batchelor's Delight TR 43-38027 B17G
132 01/14/45 Batchelor's Delight TR 43-38027 B17G
134 01/18/45 Batchelor's Delight TR 43-38027 B17G
135 01/20/45 Batchelor's Delight TR 43-38027 B17G
136 01/21/45 Batchelor's Delight TR 43-38027 B17G
139 02/01/45 Batchelor's Delight TR 43-38027 B17G
140 02/03/45 Batchelor's Delight TR 43-38027 B17G
141 02/06/45 Batchelor's Delight TR 43-38027 B17G
142 02/09/45 Batchelor's Delight TR 43-38027 B17G
144 02/15/45 Batchelor's Delight TR 43-38027 B17G
146 02/17/45 Batchelor's Delight TR 43-38027 B17G
147 02/19/45 The Blue Fairy TJ 43-37942 B17G
148 02/21/45 Batchelor's Delight TR 43-38027 B17G
149 02/22/45 Batchelor's Delight TR 43-38027 B17G
150 02/23/45 Batchelor's Delight TR 43-38027 B17G
152 02/24/45 Batchelor's Delight TR 43-38027 B17G
154 02/27/45 Mission Maid TM 4x-xx894 B17G
156 03/02/45   TP 43-37970 B17G
157 03/03/45 Mr. Completely TA 43-39902 B17G

Completed 35 Missions

Created: 09/16/99 Modified: 12/23/16

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