Sturgeon's Crew

On the group's 3rd mission LT Schuengel fell from an open bomb bay on the return flight. The bomb bay doors were stuck open, and the bombs had to be safed prior to landing. Because of the tight confines of the bomb bay, LT Schuengel was forced to remove his parachute to work on the bombs.

On the morning of 20th May 1944, LT Sturgeon was making an instrument take-off on runway 07. The aircraft crashed approximately 1 mile away and to the left of the runway. There were no witnesses to the crash due to limited visibility. The visibility was 80 yds due to a heavy fog. It was determined that the aircraft did become airborne and was in a crab to the left at the time of take-off. The A/C was loaded with 12x500-lb IB bombs. Failing to gain enough altitude to clear the obstacles at the end of the runway, the A/C went through a row of tree tops. A moment later the A/C flew into the ground, exploding and burning on impact.

SGT Branthoover and LT Quince are buried at Cambridge.

Robert Heatherberry's last name may have been Heatherberry.

Photo courtesy of Todd Woollam, grandnephew of LT Sturgeon.


Name Rank Position First Mission Last Mission Status
Norman Sturgeon 2nd LT Pilot 05/08/44 05/20/44 KIA
Elmer W. Quince 2nd LT Co-pilot 05/08/44 05/20/44 KIA
James A. Roberts 2nd LT Navigator 05/07/44 02/06/45 Minor injuries
Cornell A. Root 2nd LT Bombardier 05/20/44 04/21/45 Minor injuries
Lawrence A. Schuengel 2nd LT  Bombardier 05/08/44 05/09/44 KIA
Robert J. Leatherberry SGT FE/Top 05/08/44 05/20/44 Major injuries
John L. Barnes SGT Radio 05/08/44 05/20/44 KIA
Benjamin D. Fox S/SGT Waist Gunner 05/08/44 05/20/44 KIA
Frank Savage S/SGT Nose Gunner 05/08/44 05/20/44 KIA
James W. Branthoover SGT Gunner 05/08/44 05/20/44 KIA
Daniel H. Gianos   Gunner     not aboard 5/20
Clifford A. Briggs   Gunner     not aboard 5/20
Sylverster G. Bane   Gunner     not aboard 5/20
Lawrence N. Rutter   Crew Chief      
001 05/07/44   TP 42-52726 B24H
002 05/08/44   TP 42-52726 B24H
003 05/09/44   TP 42-52726 B24H
005 05/20/44   TP 42-52726 B24H

Created 04/10/99 Modified 12/23/16

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