Webber's Crew

Officers of the Webber crew.

Left to Right: Richard A. Webber, Norman F. Payleitner, George D. Lutz and Joseph J. Kane (submitted by Charlie Steinmetz).

Joseph Kane was assigned as an 832nd lead bombardier. Charlie Steinmetz was then made nose gunner and togglier. Herman P. Taylor was assigned from the Radditz crew. Willard R. Sweet was trained as a Spot Jamer and flew with other crews. John Piver was transferred from another crew as a replacement ball gunner.

B17 43-37928 was assigned to Webber's crew on shipment No. FY-350-AA, and as crew number FY-350-AA 135 for movement to an overseas destination. movement 370.5-1148 (252-47) dated 22 October 1944, A/C 43-37928 was delivered to Valley Wales depot on our about 10 November, 1944. Weather caused a diversion to Bluie West in Greenland causing a delay of about 10 days in route. Webber's crew travelled from Valley Wales by rail to Sudbury arriving November 13, 1944 with assignment to the 832nd. Several daysafter the crews arrival, A/C 43-37928 arrived and was also assigned to the 832nd. LT Webber asked for and got the A/C assigned to him. Most all missions were flown using this aircraft. A/C 43-37928 was returned to the USA, July 1, 1945, per Operations orders Number 1 dated 23 June 1945, by Robert R. Lowe as pilot.

LT Webber flew his check-out flight with the Evan's crew on 11/30/44. Piver and Taylor were not part of the original crew.

- Charlie Steinmentz


Name Rank Position First Mission Last Mission Status
Richard A. Webber LT Pilot 11/30/44 03/28/45 Completed tour.
Norman F. Payleitner F/O Copilot 12/04/44 03/28/45 Completed tour.
George D. Lutz 2nd LT Navigator 12/04/44 03/28/45 Completed tour.
Joseph J. Kane 2nd LT Bombardier 12/04/44 unknown Transferred.
Robert H. Faires T/SGT FE/Top 12/04/44 03/28/45 Completed tour.
Eugene C. Dembowski T/SGT RO 12/04/44 03/28/45 Completed tour.
Charles O. Steinmetz SGT Waist/Togglier 12/04/44 03/28/45 Completed tour.
Herman P. Taylor SGT Waist Unknown 03/28/45 Completed tour.
Grant McDonald Waist
Willard R. Sweet, Jr. CPL Ball 12/04/44 03/28/45 Completed tour.
John W. Piver SGT Ball Unknown 03/28/45 Completed tour.
James K. Smith S/SGT Tail 12/04/44 03/28/45 Completed tour.
Mission Date Name ID S/N Type
110 11/30/44
111 12/04/44 Umbriago NM 43-37983 B17G
113 12/10/44 TS 43-37928 B17G
115 12/12/44 TS 43-37928 B17G
116 12/16/44 TS 43-37928 B17G
117 12/23/44 TS 43-37928 B17G
118 12/24/44 TS 43-37928 B17G
125 01/02/45 TS 43-37928 B17G
126 01/03/45 TS 43-37928 B17G
127 01/05/45 TS 43-37928 B17G
129 01/08/45 TS 43-37928 B17G
135 01/20/45 TS 43-37928 B17G
136 01/21/45 TS 43-37928 B17G
137 01/28/45 TN 43-38194 B17G
138 01/29/45 TN 43-38194 B17G
139 02/01/45 TS 43-37928 B17G
141 02/06/45 TT 43-37820 B17G
143 02/14/45 TS 43-37928 B17G
146 02/17/45 TS 43-37928 B17G
147 02/19/45 TS 43-37928 B17G
152 02/24/45 TS 43-37928 B17G
153 02/26/45 Old Yard Dog TF 42-98006 B17G
161 03/09/45 TS 43-37928 B17G
163 03/11/45 TS 43-37928 B17G
166 03/16/45 TS 43-37928 B17G
167 03/17/45 TS 43-37928 B17G
168 03/18/45 TV 4x-xx477 B17G
169 03/19/45 TV 4x-xx477 B17G
173 03/24/45 TS 43-37928 B17G
174 03/28/45 TS 43-37928 B17G
Completed 29 Missions

Created: 09/16/9 Modified: 12/04/19

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