Stevenson's Crew

LT Stevenson's Crew

Back row, left to right: Clarence F. Kooi from Sheldon, Iowa, ball turret gunner; Joe Ferreri from Baltimore, Maryland , nose gunner; Cloyd R. Merk from Smithton, Missouri, waist gunner; Charles J. Lantz from Salem, Ohio, radio operator-gunner, Bill Rodgers from Ozone Park, Long Island, engineer-top turret gunner, and Melvin Morley from Belleville, Kansas, tail gunner. Front row, left to right: Wayne A. Scott from Letcher, South Dakota, copilot; James W. Stevenson (Steve) from Hickory, North Carolina, pilot; Harold C. Burgan from Baltimore, Maryland, navigator. (courtesy Clarence Kooi).

Kooi's War Diary

Name Rank Position First Mission Last Mission Status
James W. Stevenson   Pilot 01/08/45 04/21/45 Completed tour.
Wayne A. Scott   Copilot 01/13/45 04/21/45 Completed tour.
Harold C. Burgan   Navigator 01/13/45 04/21/45 Completed tour.
Bill Rodgers   FE/Top 01/13/45 04/21/45 Completed tour.
Charles J. Lantz   Radio/Waist 01/13/45 04/21/45 Completed tour.
Joe Ferreri   Nose/Togglier 01/13/45 04/21/45 Completed tour.
Cloyd R. Merk   Waist 01/13/45 04/21/45 Completed tour.
Clarence F. Kooi   Ball 01/13/45 04/21/45 Completed tour.
Melvin Morley   Tail 01/13/45 04/21/45 Completed tour.
131 01/13/45   DK 43-37945 B17G
137 01/28/45 Miss B. Havin NN 43-38859 B17G
141 02/06/45   NF 43-37952 B17G
143 02/14/45 Miss B. Havin NN 43-38859 B17G
146 02/17/45 Miss B. Havin NN 43-38859 B17G
148 02/21/45 Miss B. Havin NN 43-38859 B17G
149 02/22/45 Happy Warrior NS 44-9163 B17G
151 02/24/45 American Beauty DG 42-98008 B17G
152 02/25/45 Chief Oshkosh NR 44-8510 B17G
153 02/26/45 Miss B. Havin NN 43-38859 B17G
155 02/28/45 Miss B. Havin NN 43-38859 B17G
158 03/04/45 Miss B. Havin NN 43-38859 B17G
160 03/08/45 Miss B. Havin NN 43-38859 B17G
161 03/09/45 Miss B. Havin NN 43-38859 B17G
163 03/11/45   NC 43-37954 B17G
164 03/12/45 Miss B. Havin NN 43-38859 B17G
165 03/14/45 Miss B. Havin NN 43-38859 B17G
167 03/17/45 Miss Anthricite DT 43-38020 B17G
168 03/18/45 Miss B. Havin NN 43-38859 B17G
170 03/21/45 The Short Arm NA 44-6616 B17G
171 03/22/45 Miss B. Havin NN 43-38859 B17G
172 03/23/45 Miss B. Havin NN 43-38859 B17G
176 03/31/45 Miss B. Havin NN 43-38859 B17G
177 04/03/45 Miss B. Havin NN 43-38859 B17G
186 04/15/45 Miss B. Havin NN 43-38859 B17G
187 04/16/45 Miss B. Havin NN 43-38859 B17G
190 04/20/45 Umbriago PN 43-37983 B17G
191 04/21/45 Miss B. Havin NN 43-38859 B17G

Created 10/29/99 Modified 12/23/16

Copyright © 1998-2025, 486th Bomb Group Association.