GlossaryThe loading lists are created from original documents when available. Flimsies (Forms 15) provide pilot and formation information. Consolidated loading lists provide the manning record. Some of these have been lost, and in those instances manning is taken from the last known (LK) crew listed, or from a known crew list (CL). These sources should not be looked upon as being accurate. Only the loading list (LL) information shows factual crew manning. 1LT - First Lieutenant. 2LT - Second Lieutenant. AC - Air commander B - Bombardier BG - Ball gunner CAPT - Captain. COL - Colonel. CP - Copilot (second pilot) CPL - Corporal DRN - Dead reckoning navigator FE - Flight engineer LTCOL - Lieutenant Colonel. MAJ - Major. MO - Mickey Operator. NG - Nose gunner NTN - Nose turret/Navigator. (?) O - Observer (?) P - (first) Pilot Pos - Position on Crew PPN - Pin point navigator PVT - Private Rank - Rank RO - Radio operator SGT - Seargeant Src - source (LL - loading list; CL - known crew list; FL - Flimsy; LK - Last known) SSGT - Staff Seargeant TG - Tail gunner TSGT - Technical Seargeant TT - Top Turret U - Unknown X - Passenger (?) |
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