A-2 Reporting

92nd C. Wing

486 Group


4/8/45 2245 S-2



4 AUGUST 1944


A.  Enemy Air Opposition

  1. 92 B Wing, lead and high groups.

  2. 486 [unreadable]

  3. At 5325N 1010E to target, 1328 hrs. - 1333 hrs., one attack.

  4. 12 Bf 109, solid black, and greyish green in color, some had swastika on tail.

  5. E/A came from clouds below formation flying abrest at 45 degree angle to slightly above them, levelled off and made 6 o'clock attack on formation, closing to 100 yards. E/A guns opened fire at 800 yards.  After pass was made E/A peeled off to left and right below formation.  Low flight of low squadron was attacked.

  6. Cannon in nose of E/A. 20 mm from wings.

  7. None.

  8. 3 probable, 3 damaged.

B.  Observations of Crews

  1. At 1226 hours, 5330N 0630E, possible submarine heading west.

  2. At 1244 hours, 15 ships moving out from Wilhelmshaven.

  3. At 1246 hours effective smoke screens over Wessermunde, Wilhelmshaven and Bremen.

  4. At 1252 hours, 5352N 0847E,30 to 40 ships in stationary convoy.

C.  Friendly A/C in distress

  1. 1004 hours, 5155N 0054E, B-17 observed at 11,000 ft. with No. 3 engine afire, 7 chutes seen, red top markings.

  2. At 1214 hours, 5741N 0849E, B-17 broke into three sections, no chutes observed.

  3. At 1255 hours, 5338N 0850E, B-17 evidently hit by flak disintegrated in air.

  4. 1304 hours, 5320N 0843E, one B-17 peeled off to left evidently hit by flak, second B-17 went into a spin and exploded before hitting the ground.

D.  Crew comments and Suggestions.


Prefer 13 a/c formation for protection and easier to fly in comparison with 20 a/c formation flown on this mission, Chaff chutes are badly needed in aircraft.



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