3 August 1944
SUBJECT: Report of Operations Officer - Mission of 2 August 1944 - Bois du Grande Marche, Fr. (A & B Gps.) — Mont Gourney, Fr. (B & D Gps.).
TO: Commanding Officer, 486th Bombardment Group (H)
1. General Narrative: The 486th scheduled four (4) groups of thirteen (13) a/c each to fly as 92B and C Wings, two (2) groups to a wing, for the day's operation. Takeoff for 486A Group was at 1510 - 1520 hours with all thirteen (13) a/c taking off in formation order. Assembly of the group was complete at 1615 hours over Buncher #22 at briefed assembly altitude of 6000 ft. after instrument ascent from take-off. All was according to plan and no difficulties were encountered. The high 486B Group had pulled into proper position at 1613 hours, and at 1620 hours the complete wing formation started climb (circling B-22) to rendezvous altitude of 17,000 ft. After leveling off at this altitude at 1740 hours, the formation maneuvered and came in over Buncher #22 at 1809 hours, one (1) minute early. The lead 487th (92A Wing) came in a little late at this point, coming in from below, and our lead group had to "S" off course along route out to allow them to take the lead. Climb to bombing altitude of 23,000 ft. was begun when B-22 was departed, and the formation passed over Splasher #7 at 19,000 feet one half (½) minute ahead of schedule. With the exception of flying slightly right of course to allow the lead (487th) wing to take proper position in the formation, briefed route out via Watford and Splasher #10 was flown to Selsey Bill on the English coast. Times out were made good, however, the English coast was departed at 1846 hours, one (1) minute late, at proper altitude of 23,000 feet.
The formation (A lead and B high) continued across the channel directly over briefed course, and reached the enemy coast (4959N,0114E), the IP of today's targets, at 1915 hours. At this point, the formation split, and "A" group proceeded to its assigned target. After a five (5) minute bomb run, bombs were away on the assigned target at 1920 hours. There was a slight haze in the target area, but visibility was fairly good.
After the bombing, "A" group (by itself now as "B" group had proceeded south to its target) made a 180° turn, lost 1000 ft. altitude, and proceeded to come back out on a reciprocal course. The English coast was crossed at 1928 hours, eight (8) minutes afer bombs away, and let down to 10,000 feet. was begun while crossing the channel en-route to Selsey Bill. There was no briefed rally, but the groups did reform and return to England together.
The English coast was crossed at 1956 hours at Selsey Bill, and course back to home base via Watford (around London) was flown; the formation arriving over home base at 2035 ½ hours. Landing time - 2059 - 2116 hours.
The formation of 486A Group was good throughout the entire mission, as was the formation of the two (2) groups (486A & B) which comprised the wing; the high group holding a steady position throughout.
2. Aircraft Not Attacking: There were thirteen (13) a/c dispatched. There were no abortions, and all attacked the primary target. Sorties - 13.
3. Lost Aircraft: None.
1. General Narrative: "B" group scheduled thirteen (13) a/c as did "A" group. Take-off was at 1521 - 1530 hours, and assembly was carried out at briefed 7000 ft. altitude; 1000 ft. above "A" group. The lead aircraft of "B" group reached assembly altitude at 1540 hours, and assembly was complete in a minimum of time at 1600 hours; at which time they fell in trail (above) "A" group. They closed up in to wing formation at 1613 hours and started their climb to altitude with "A" group at 1620 hours.
For a general narrative of the remainder of the mission refer to that of "A" group. "B" group flewl the high group position in the wing formation, and broke formation at the IP to make their own individual bomb run. Bombs were away at 1919 hours, and a left turn (losing 1000 ft. altitude) was made back to the coast where they again joined "A" group and continued to home base. Landing time - 2040 - 2154 hours.
2. Aircraft Not Attacking: There were thirteen (13) a/c dispatched with 486B group. There were no abortions, and all attacked the primary target. Sorties = 13.
3. Aircraft Lost: None
1. General Narrative: The 486C Group scheduled thirteen (13) a/c to fly as lead group of 92C wing. Take-off was at 1531 - 1550 hours, and they too made an instrument ascent to assembly altitude of 5,000 ft., the lead aircraft reaching this altitude at 1545 hours. Assembly was completed at 1617 hours, and at 1620 hours the low D group closed up into wing formation. Climb to altitude of 17,000 ft. was begun immediately (1621 hours) flying in trail of the lead (486A & B Groups) wing. The formation (C group) reached division assembly altitude of 17,000 ft. at 1802 hours, and came in over Buncher #22 1811 ½ hours, on time. The course flown to the English coast (Selsey Bill) was as planned with all times being made good until it became necessary to "s" to stay behind the preceeding wing which was "s"ing to allow the lead 487th wing [to] take over the lead position of the division task force. CP #1 (the English coast) was passed at 1845 hours, one and one half (1 ½) minutes late, because of reasons explained above. Briefed bombing altitude of 23,000 ft (climb had begun when B-22 was departed) had not been reached, and that control point (Selsey Bill) was departed at 21,000 ft, 2000 ft. below briefed. The reason was that it had been necessary to level off once enroute out to let the preceeding groups gain altitude in order to keep out of their prop wash.
2. Aircraft Not Attacking: There were thirteen (13) a/c dispatched with 486D Group. There were no abortions and all attacked the primary target.
3. Lost Aircraft: None.
Richard B. Uhle Major, Air Corps Operations Officer
[webmaster's note: Part of the Operational Narrative appears to be missing from the record]
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