Aircraft Photos

  1. 486th in formation
  2. 487th Fort (NARA)
  3. 487th Liberators (NARA)
  4. Chuckie (Virtual Flight Museum)
  5. View from Newman's Green (Cross)
  6. Engine change (Gantt)
  7. LT Paris' B-17 (Stewart)
  8. B17 & Mosquito (Camp)
  9. Bombs Away (D. Brown)
  10. Crashed P38 (Cross)
  11. Model of the "Blue Grass Girl" (Smith)
  12. Model of #028 (Bereman)
  13. Model of "Old Man's Folly" (Abbott)
  14. Model of "Oh! Miss Agnes" (Helt)
  15. Model of "Wolfel Bear" (Roulin)
  16. Model of "Virgo" (Laurence)
  17. Model of "Aries" (Fox)
  18. Last one home (Cross)
  19. Square B (McNicholas)
  20. Unknown B17 (Cross)
  21. Starboard Wing (McNicholas)
  22. Zodiac Nose Art (Anderson)
  23. P47 & Equipment (Camp)
  24. B24 prints (Camp)
  25. Painting of the "American Beauty" (Arnold)
  26. D-Day (Ruplenas/IWM)
  27. Lancaster Bombers (McNicholas)
  28. Mickey Set (O&W)
  29. B17 and ball (Camp)
  30. Norden and Sperry bombsights (Albanese)
  1. Final Approach (USAF)
  2. 95th BG (H) (Fenlon)
  3. Spot Jamming equipment (Day/Morrell)
  4. Formation of Forts (NARA)
  5. View from the belly (NARA)
  6. Assembly (NARA)
  7. Forts in Formation (Andrews)
  8. 835th B17 in France (Hugot)
  9. B-24/C-109 control panel (NARA)
  10. Results of a taxi accident (Ruplenas/Noyes)
  11. Fortress at Sudbury (Herold)
  12. "Taurus" (Kassak)
  13. P47C (Herold)
  14. Salvaged wing from "Pursuit of Happiness." (Helt)
  15. Nose Art (Nolan)
  16. Kingman, AZ (Solomon)
  17. Accident photos (6 photos)
  18. 1st AD Forts (Fenlon)
  19. P51Ds at Station 174 (Hutchins)
  20. Relics from "Oh! Miss Agnes" (Fabian)
  21. P47D (Little)
  22. A-28 Hudson (Kostel)
  23. Forts in color (Larkin)
  24. Mosquito (Andrews)
  25. A/C Accident
  26. Kingman, AZ
  27. 891 taxi accident
  28. FLAK Damage (Gibson)

[Pg 1 | Pg 2 | Pg 3 | Pg 4]

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