The Unger crew and "5 Grand" at Kearney, Nebraska. Standing (L to R): 1st LT Edward C. Unger (P), 2nd LT Richard L. Jacobson (CP), LT John H. Belay (N), LT George W. Y. Moller, Jr. (B). Front row (L to R): SGT Walter W. Giffith (FE), SGT Jack K. Boyce (RO), CPL Anthony T. Guercia (BG), CPL Louis Sendek, Jr (WG), CPL Robert A. Bohyer (TG), SGT John B. McBride (WG). (submitted by Guercia)

CAPT Unger's crew, New Years Day 1945. On this day COL Overing flew as the Air Commander of the 8th AF aboard CAPT Unger's A/C. Unger and crew may have been the first heavy bomber over German territory in the new year.

(Standing L to R) Ed Unger (Pilot), COL Overing, John Belay (Nav), Dan Dennis (Pin Pt. Nav), George Moller (Bombardier). (Front L to R) Dick "Jake" Jacobsen, Jack Boyce (R/O), John MacBride (Waist), Reinheart Zirbel (Radar Operator)


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