LT Bacher's Crew, 835th

Front row (L to R): SSGT Paul "Shorty" Bolduc (BG), TSGT Charles "Blink" Blankenship (FE/Top), SSGT William Curtis (WG), SSGT Albin "Red" Markiewicz (TG), TSGT Alfred "Beam" Bain (RO/WG).  Standing (L to R): LT Walter "Dinwiddle" Dinwiddie (PPN), LT George "Pop" Edgar (B), LT Charles Monk (DRN), LT George "Bach" Bacher (P), LT Nathan "Sponge" Spungin (CP).  LT Dinwiddie joined the crew on October 22nd, and flew with the crew until January 21st.

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