Office of the Commanding General

APO 559

General Orders                                                                      24 February 1945

NUMBER 267                                                                                  SECTION:

AWARDS OF THE DISTINGUISHED FLYING CROSS...........................................................I


AWARDS OF THE BRONZE STAR MEDAL..................................................................III

I. Under the provisions of Army Regulation 600-45, 22 in September 1943, and pursuant to authority contained in letter 200.6, HQ Eighth Air Force, dated 23 September 1944, subject: "awards and decorations," the Distinguished Flying Cross is awarded to the following named officers for extraordinary achievement as set forth in the citation,

John W. Frazer, 0429246, Major, Army Forces, United States Army. For extraordinary achievement while serving as lead navigator of group and squadron formations on heavy bombardment missions against the enemy. Major Frazer demonstrated exceptional proficiency in guiding his formations to the assigned targets in devastating attacks against Saarbrucken, Germany, 19 July 1944; Mainz, Germany, 8 September 1944; and Hamburg, Germany, 25 October 1944 despite adverse weather conditions and anti-aircraft fire on each mission. The outstanding devotion to duty and expert dedication displayed by Major Frazer on these occasions reflect the highest credit upon himself and the Armed Forces of the United States.

Earl L. Frye, 0666647, Captain, Army Forces, United States Army. For extraordinary achievement while serving as lead navigator of wing, group and squadron formations on heavy bombardment missions against the enemy. Captain Frye demonstrated exceptional proficiency in guiding his formations to the assigned targets in devastating attacks against Ludwigshafen, Germany, 25 September 1944; Kassel, Germany, 18 October 1944; and Langerwehe, Germany, 16 November 1944 despite the hazards of adverse weather conditions and anti-aircraft fire on each mission. The outstanding devotion to duty and expert navigational technique displayed by Captain Frye on these occasions reflect the highest credit up on himself and the Armed Forces of United States.

Warren L. Jones, 01286496, Captain, Army Forces, United States Army. For extraordinary achievement while serving as commander in the air of group and squadron formations on heavy bombardment missions against the enemy, Captain Jones demonstrated outstanding airmanship while commanding his formations on successful attacks against the Duren, Germany, 16 November 1944, Guttenhall, Germany, 25 December 1944; and Hamburg, Germany, 31 December 1944 despite of the danger of heavy accurate anti-aircraft fire on each mission. The forceful leadership and courage displayed by Captain Jones on these occasions reflect the highest credit upon himself and the Armed Forces of the United States.

Robert W. McAnelly, 0816516, Captain, Army Air Forces, United States Army. For extra-ordinary achievements while serving as lead pilot of division, group and squadron formations on heavy bombardment missions against the enemy.  Captain McAnelly, demonstrating exceptional piloting ability, led combat formations on successful attacks against Wessel, Germany, 1 February 1945; Chemnitz, Germany, 6 February 1945; and Weimar Germany, 9 February 1945 despite adverse weather conditions and heavy accurate anti-aircraft fire on each occasion.  The professional flying ability displayed by Captain McAnelly on these occasions greatly contributed to the success of these important missions.  His actions reflect the highest credit upon himself and the Armed Forces of the United States.

William P. Doherty, 0723591, First Lieutenant, Army Air Forces, United States Army. For extraordinary achievements while serving as lead navigator of group and squadron formations on heavy bombardment missions against the enemy.  Lieutenant Doherty, demonstrated exceptional proficiency in guiding his formations to the assigned targets in devastating attacks against Neunkirchen, Germany, 4 November 1944; Oberlahnstein, Germany, 11 November 1944; Duren, Germany, 16 November 1944; and Berlin, Germany, 3 February 1945 despite adverse weather conditions on three occasions and heavy accurate anti-aircraft fire on each occasion.  The exceptional navigational skill displayed by Lieutenant Doherty on these occasions in the face of many obstacles reflect the highest credit upon himself and the Armed Forces of the United States.

Richard H. Douglas, 0773315, First Lieutenant, Army Air Forces, United States Army. For extraordinary achievements while serving as lead bombardier of division, group and squadron formations on heavy bombardment missions against the enemy.  Lieutenant Douglas led combat formations in destroying vital enemy installations at Wessel, Germany, 1 February 1945; Chemnitz, Germany, 6 February 1945; and Weimar, Germany, 9 February 1945 despite adverse weather conditions and anti-aircraft fire on each occasion.  The outstanding bombing results obtained through Lieutenant Douglas' exceptional skill reflect the highest credit upon himself and the Armed Forces of the United States.

Walter J. Douglas, 0717635, First Lieutenant Douglas, Army Air Forces, United States Army. For extraordinary achievements while serving as lead navigator of division, group and squadron formations on heavy bombardment missions against the enemy.  Lieutenant Douglas demonstrated exceptional proficiency in guiding his formations to the assigned targets in devastating attacks against Wessel, Germany, 1 February 1945; Chemnitz, Germany, 6 February 1945; and Weimar, Germany, 9 February 1945 despite adverse weather conditions anti-aircraft fire on each occasion.  The initiative, determination and skill displayed by Lieutenant Douglas on these occasions reflects the highest credit upon himself and the Armed Forces of the United States.

[Missing document] - Lieutenant Neal demonstrated exceptional proficiency in guiding his formations to the assigned targets in devastating attacks against Frankfurt, Germany, 24 December 1944; Misburg, Germany, 31 December 1944; and Bad Kreuznach, Germany, 2 January 1945 despite heavy accurate anti-aircraft fire on each mission. The initiative, determination and skill displayed by Lieutenant Neal on these occasions reflect the highest credit upon himself and the Armed Forces of United States.

Robert E. Oliver, 0557423, First Lieutenant, Army Air Forces, United States Army. For extraordinary achievement while serving as lead navigator of division, group and squadron formations on heavy bombardment missions against the enemy. Lieutenant Oliver demonstrated exceptional proficiency in guiding his formations in devastating attacks against Wessel, Germany, 1 February 1945; Chemnitz, Germany, February 1945 Weimar, Germany, 9 February 1945 despite adverse weather conditions and anti-aircraft fire on each occasion. The outstanding navigational skill displayed by Lieutenant Oliver materially contributed to the success of these important missions. His actions reflect the highest credit upon himself and the Armed Forces of United States.

Seymour G Passen, 0719999, First Lieutenant, Army Air Forces, United States Army. For extraordinary achievement while serving as lead navigator of group and squadron formations on heavy bombardment missions against the enemy. Lieutenant Passen demonstrated exceptional proficiency in guiding his formations to the assigned targets in devastating attacks against Mainz, Germany, 9 October 1944; and Hamm, Germany, 26 November 1944 despite adverse weather conditions and anti- aircraft fire on each occasion. The outstanding devotion to duty and expert navigational technique displayed by lieutenant Passen on these occasions reflect the highest credit upon himself and the Armed Forces of United States.

Harry T Perry, 0764778, First Lieutenant, Army Air Forces, United States Army. For extraordinary achievement while serving as lead pilot of squadron formations on heavy bombardment missions against Frankfurt, Germany, 24 December 1944; Misburg, Germany, 31 December 1944; and Bad Kreuznach, Germany, 2 January 1945 despite the hazard of heavy, accurate anti aircraft fire on each occasion. The professional flying ability displayed by Lieutenant Perry on these occasions greatly contributed to the success of these important missions. His actions reflect the highest credit upon himself to the Military Forces of United States.

Charles R. Schneider, 0723696, First Lieutenant, Army Air Forces, United States Army. For extraordinary achievement while serving as lead navigator of squadron formations on heavy bombardment missions against the enemy. Lieutenant Schneider demonstrated exceptional proficiency in guiding his formations the assigned targets in devastating attacks against Frankfurt, Germany, 24 December 1944; Misburg, Germany, 31 December 1944; and Bad Kreuznach, Germany January 1945 despite dangers of heavy, [missing document]

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