834th Bombardment Squadron (H)



   The month of July opened with a huge bang -- rockets and flares lit the country side for miles around. News had just come through that the air echelon was on orders to return to the States. It came on the 4th of July which was a fitting and most appropriate date.

   To some, the thought of going back to the United States meant home, a wife perhaps, certainly the folks and a sweetheart. Also many had completed their tour and were eligible for discharge. To others it meant a brief furlough before preparing to continue the fight over in the pacific theater. But to all, it was still Home, Sweet, Home, -- No place like Home!

   With the departure of the air echelons, the remainder of the ground personnel had their hands full packing records and clearing the areas in preparation of closing the base.

   Transportation by water reached its critical peak at this time due to the vast redeployment program. Consequently all squadrons left behind just had to while away the time patiently.

   Pacific orientation and group discussion programs stimulated wide-spread enthusiasm and all members of this group were able to participate. Topics also discussed were post-war problems and open forum discussions or "bull-sessions" were the popular vogue.

   The month of July ended by rumors that we would leave the first part of August. Even though it sounded far away at the time, it helped to maintain a sense of high morale.

   A definite change in squadron strength is noted for the month due to the above shipment. One hundred officers and four hundred and fifty eight enlisted men, was shown on the morning report of July 1, as compared to seven officers and on hundred and twenty eight enlisted men as of July 31, 1945.

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