American Potash & Chemical Corporation

Trona, California

June 11, 1945

Cpl. Donald R. Curtin

U.S. Army

New York, N. Y.


Dear Mr. Curtin:


This letter is being written to each one of the more than 400 Tronans on our military suspense roll because we are looking ahead to the day when you and all of the others will be coming home.  Quite a number of our service people have visited Trona on furloughs and we have read letters from many more in The Argonaut.  From our conversation with those who have been here, and from the letters, we have gained the impression that practically all of our people expect to return to their positions with the corporation.


We want you to know that we will be glad to have you and all of the others back with us.  We would like to hear from you, to know how you are faring and that you are coming back to Trona.  Selective Service regulations and the bargaining agreement include various provisions regarding the return to employment of persons in the Services which we need not attempt to review.  However, if you have any question regarding these provisions, we will be glad to have you write us.


While you have been away we have been doing our best to hasten the day of Victory and Peace.  Last year we set a new record by producing 486,511 tons of primary products and this year we hope to do even better.  We have received four Army-Navy Production Awards in successive periods.  We of Trona have bought at least three million dollars worth of War Bonds.  The endeavors do not in any wise approach the service of our men and women of the Armed Forces, but they do indicate that Trona is above average among home communities.


The outlook for the corporation for the future is encouraging.  A period of nationwide prosperity seems inevitable after the war is won, and the general usage of Trona products should assure stable employment and normal opportunity for advancement.


We at home wish you success and confidently hope that you will be returning to Trona soon.







Vice President


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