Headquarters 486th Bomb
Gp (H) Office of the Chaplain APO 559, % Postmaster New York, N. Y. 27 October 1944 Mrs. Mabel Jackson 2824 Pillsbury Ave. “S” Minneapolis, Minn. Dear Mrs. Jackson: The Commanding General
of the Eighth Air Force has asked me to write to you regarding your son, Sgt. John W. Jackson, 37559342, Killed in Action, on 15 Oct. 1944. My Commanding Officer joins me to offer you the deepest sympathies
of our hearts. Army regulations prohibit
my giving you any information pertaining to the action in which your son was killed. Information relating to the location of his grave will be given by the Quartermaster General, ASF, from Washington, D.C.
as soon as military security permits. I conducted the funeral
for your son in a beautiful spot of England. Many of his friends were there to pay him the honor he so richly deserved. Then after “Taps” was played, we returned
to continue the work your son would have desired of us. My words of comfort,
I am sure, are very inadequate, but I am certain that God can give you the courage and strength that is so needed just now. If I did not believe that with all the firmness of my soul, I would not be a chaplain
to these men who love God and loved ones more than they do life itself. I pray that God will
richly bless you in the trying days of loneliness that you must feel. Please read and think of Philippians 4:19 for the comfort it will bring you.
Sincerely Yours,
Robert L. Costner
Courtesy of John Stoner, nephew of John Jackson. Aircraft | Crews | Letters | Places | Strike Copyright © 1998-2025, 486th Bomb Group Association. |