Matthew Vacante


486th Bomb Group

Dear Fellow Airmen:

If you would kindly fill and answer the enclosed questionnaire to the best of your knowledge, it would be greatly appreciated.

This would assist me greatly as I am trying to establish a Medical Claim for service related illness.

The Veterans Administration has admitted that my Brain Damage is a result of being Allergy-Prone with exposure to toxic substances.

However, I lack evidence or statements from fellow Airmen who cal recall, that in the maintenance and servicing of aircraft and ground support equipment, (while in the 486th) we all were exposed to fumes and vapors of all the mentioned paints, solvents and chemicals.

To those who may not recall me or know of me, I was a Computing Sight and Turret and Armament Specialist.

Briefly, I have been ill since exposure to mentioned chemicals and Sulfa Pills exposure during my service period and continuing till 1981 when I became disabled to where I have resulting Brain Damage that affects my body muscles, with overall weakness and tremors.

If anyone can remember I or anyone else who may have complained of constant sore throats, it would help tremendously if mentioned in space for comments.

My research through numerous Medical papers and reports has revealed that the Armed Services were aware of the Toxicity of Sulfa and that Sulfa should not be administered to anyone unless it was a matter of life or death in a severe illness and if so administered then the person should be kept under constant monitoring by physicians, this was published as general knowledge in a 1942 issue of the NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE.  It can be assumed that this practice resulted in the deaths of some Soldiers as after a long period the Sulfa Pills quietly disappeared from the Mess Hall as did the Medical Officers with their side arms.


Matt Vacante


Self addressed envelope and stamp



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