KU 3738
Maintenance Department (O) 14/VII Kaufbeuren 27 February 1945
Headquarters Airbase District 11/VII, Landsberg/Lech,
Subject: Report on capture of equipment and members of enemy airforce. Distribution: Evaluation Center West, Obersursel, i.Ts.
Date of Capture: 25 Febr. 1945 1255 Place: Altstädten near Sonthofen (estate Moosacker) Coordinates of Fighter: C3 FA 8 Type of Plane: B 17 G/90/BO Plane was on the return flight Inscription on nose: 12 bombs Letter Identification on fuselage: H in capitals with green color Insignia: American Letter above number: W in black square Admittance No.: 338648 Kind of capture: belly landing Damage: 15 percent Cause: Hit by Flak at the right wing. Shrapnel hitting the right, inner motor and lack of gasoline of the right outside motor caused it to stop and caused the emergency landing. Plane guarded by: See enclosure – report No. 1. Records of Navigation and Radio: See enclosure – report No. 2. Crew: 9 men captured. See enclosure – report No. 3.
Technical Data
Fuselage 10 percent, landing gear 0 percent, right wing, 5 percent, tail assembly 0 percent.
Damage: Fuselage: Both lower turrets were crushed. The plexi-glass nose is partially broken. Cover is pierce by infantry bullets. Wings: Hit scored by Flak at the middle of the wing-end of the right inner wing. Light damage caused by firing on all wings. Automatic lid much damaged because of the inexperienced opening by incompetent persons. Tail assembly: Light damage, cause by firing on.
Type of Motor: R 1820/97 Factory: Studebaker Corporation Aviation Division Contract Nr.: W 535 AC 17399 Eng. Spec. Nr.: 666 CVAR.A Motor-Factory Nr.: right outside: SW O26844, no damage at the outside right inside: SW O26863, fired on by Flak, possibly compressor left outside: SW 027084 undamaged left inside: SW 026648 undamaged
Propellers: Type: United Aircraft Corporation Factory: Nach-Kelvinator Corporation Metal Propeller, 3 blades Propeller radius: 1.70 m Blade diameter 0.7r = 30 cm
Factor Nr.: Right outside: BWG 16477 A-O 3126/27/28 Right inside: 2382/84/85 Left inside: 2989/9091 Left outside: 3169/70/71 Damage: twisted because of belly landing Armament: caliber 12.7 [mm = 0.5 cal] 50 M 2 Factory: General Motors, Syracuse, New York Nose turret 2 machine guns, controllable Installation: Taken away from nost-tip (right and left side) by incompetent persons (controllable). Front upper turret 2 twin machine guns Two machine guns (at side of fuselage) controllable taken away by incompetent persons. Fuselage turret 2 twin machine guns controllable Tail turret 2 twin machine guns controllable Used sights: Front turret type N-6 A No. 24704 Manufacturer: EA LABORATORIES Inc., Brocklin Middle upper turret type K 3 Automatice Compolting Light Rear Turret type Nordpol 6 A DWG Nr. 42 G 1492 Spec. No. 24704 Ammunition: caliber 12.7, a pretty large amount being in disconnecting belts. Markings of SL 4 with gray point of bullet Ammunition: Ration only SL 4 ammunition Bombs: Released prior to landing Bomb-sight: Type M 9 Singlar L/5515 Order Nr. 42/8071/P Manufacturer: Lucas Harald Corporation
Sight: Type G 1029/A 3 Type C 1 Amplifier MFRC G 1024 A 20 A 3 Armor: Back of pilot seats armored with 8 mm [0.6”] plate, bottom of cockpit 82 mm, side turrets, 8 mm, rear gunner position with outside armor plates 6 mm.
FT Equipment: 1 Radio transmitter BC 375 E with enclosed transmitter TU 26 B. Position of Switches: A – 2 B – 8 C – 35 D – 1 O – 50 P – 2 1 radio receiver BC – 348/R Type G 403 A-1 CA 3 Position of Band switch = 3,2
1 Modulator unit BC 456 – B 1 Antenna Tuni Unit BC 306 – B 1 Rack FT 244 A Receiver Crystal Frequency Corresponding Frequency Channel 8081.250 A 8351.250 B — C 8284.62 D Position of switch: 140 140 Transmitter: Transmitter: Crystal Frequency Corresponding Frequency Channel 7850 A 8090 B — C 6650 D Position of switch 145 145 140 145 2 Radio transmitters BC 457 – A 2 Radio receivers BC 455 B 2 Rectifier Power Unit PP-51/APQ 9 1 T-39/APQ/9 1 Dynameter PE 94 1 Inverter Unit PE 206 A Order Nr. 10983 RF – 43 1 R-5 ARN-7 1 Radio receiver BC 357 L 1 Radio receiver R 1355 Ref. Nr. 10 I o3032 1 Indicator Type 62 Ref. Nr. 10 0 13000 G 21301 1 RF Unit Type 24 Ref. Nr. 10 D 1015 1 RF Unit Type 25 Ref. Nr. 10 D 1016
Kind of Aerial and Mast aerial at nose (upper side) Installation: Fixed aerial from middle of fuselage to fin Trailing aerial At the lower left and right wing, near the connection of the wings, there is a container of bullet proof glass with an instrument of the form of 4 short pipes having the shape of a “V”. Closer inspection has not yet been made.
Camera: 1 Camera Aircraft (5 x 7 inch) Type K-21 Serial AC–42–79–86 Focus 2.5 Objective Nr. EA 2653 Largest shutter-opening: 16 set at 4. The camera was sent to the photographic board of Air District for evaluation.
Gasoline: The gasoline had been filled out by order of Kreisleiter Dr. Kuhlmann before the examination commission of the Maintenance Department (0) 14/VII arrived (see report).
Gasoline: There is in the containers: Left wing from inside and outside Container 1 38 cm gasoline (height) “ 2 17 “ “ “ 3 7 “ “ “ 4 24 “ “ “ 5 9 “ “
Right wing from inside and outside Container 1 10 cm gasoline (height) “ 2 5 “ “ “ 3 empty “ 4 empty “ 5 3 “ “ measured in flight-position
Lubrication oil: Amount not ascertained, also unauthorized filling-out. Pressure oil: Oil test red color O-366
The following equipment was recovered: Astro compass Mk II Drift meter Type B 5
Equipment according list
Signed: xxxxxxxxx Flight Chief Engineer
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