Airbase Headquarters A(O) VII/Kaufbeuren. Kaufbeuren, 27 Febr. 1945 Flight Control.
Subject: Report on condition of a B 17 G-90-BO when receiving Command arrived at the place of the emergency landing 2 km south of Sonthofen/Allgäu on 25 Febr. 1945
Distribution: Air District Headquarters VII, München, I c2 Evaluation Center West, Oberursel i/Ta. Signal-point 6, High Command of Air Forces/Chief TLR-Rue, Fürstenfeldbruck, Flg.
1) Proceedings: On 25 February 1945 at about 1330 I was informed by the Staff Officer of Airbase Kaufbeuren, Major Mögels, that an enemy bomber had landed at Sonthofen/Allgäu. Members of Receiving Command: S/Sgt. Stenzel, who is in charge of the flight control, testing master Müller of the maintenance department, as well as a guarding detachment of 1 T/Sgt and 5 enlisted men of FFS A 23 Training Company Kaufbeuren, and besides 4 Sgt. to take the prisoners back.
2) Condition: After the enemy bomber had been inspected it was found out, that the interior of the plane was partially cleared of enemy equipment, besides, gasoline was filled out into barrels. Dr. Kühl, Lt. of the Air Force, platoon leader of the People’s Army at Altstädten, employed at the Ordensburg Sonthofen, arrived first at the bomber which had made an emergency landing. Shortly afterwards, Leutnant General off the Waffen SS JüRS and Major HOFMEISTER, local commander of Sonthofen arrived. LtGen JüRS ordered the crew to be disarmed. Three pistols were taken away. On receiving the prisoners there were no pistols. I made inquiries and regained possession of one pistol confiscated and kept by Sharführer [~ SS staff sergeant]. Another pistol is told to have been confiscated by a corporal of the Army, name unknown. Nothing is known about the third pistol. Interrogating the guard I was told that enemy equipment and uniforms had been taken in a truck to the Jägerkaserne [barracks] for safeguarding. Checking the information I found out that 1 camera and 2 other effects were at the Jägerkaserne as well as three parachutes and other uniforms. According to the information there had to be 11 parachutes. Besides a civilian, name unknown, was observed who went away from the plane with a parachute under his arm, another parachute I received back since a soldier brought it to me. I could learn nothing about the other parachutes. It was found out that shortly after the successful emergency landing of the enemy bomber 2 Sgt. of the Air Force, probably employed by the Holzban A.G., Sonthofen, have gone away with enemy equipment after searching the interior of the plane. By order of the Kreisleiter [section leader] Dr. Kahlhammer at Sonthofen gasoline was filled out. It was transported off by the transport unit at Sonthofen. 700 liters by the firm Marin. Reason for the filling out: to use the gasoline in the case of catastrophes, or no gasoline. The firm Graf Hagenburg is told to have transported off 600 liters in barrels and the anti-tank unit-both at Sonthofen-about 200 liters in barrels.
Signed: xxxxxxxx S/Sgt and in charge of flight control.
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