German airfield at Varel-Friedrichsfeld southwest of Wilhelmshaven, and south of Jever (532520N-075345E). Varel-Friedrichsfeld was bombed on 24.03.1945 by 88 B-17 by the 8th Air Force (including the 486th) with 1052 bombs (450-kg, 230-kg).

The units

- III./KG 76 (3.Gruppe/Kampfgeschwader 76) with Ar(ado) 234 (Recon-Jet)
- III./NJG 3 (3.Gruppe/Nachtjagdgeschwader 3) with Ju(nkers) 88 G

were stationed here. KG 76 being an attack unit, and NjG3 was a night attack unit.

 (Norbert Geise -- Germany)


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