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Pilot, 1st Lt., 486th BG, 835th BS , Flew 26 missions. Was in London on day Roosevelt died. Had a wonderful, dependable crew whom I'm able to stay in touch with (that are still living). Also had a wonderful ground crew that kept us flying. Capt. James Walker was our Bmb Sqdn CO. I still stay in touch with "Pop" Genz of the 835th. Flew crew home via Goose Bay, Labrador and parted with our faithful "Short Arm" at Bradley Field, Connecticut in Julyof that year. "Heavy Bombers" is great! 486th Bomb Group Association, Inc. is too! Please "Hang in there." Roger, Out. "Bob"
I'm a member of the 8th AF Historical Society in Central NY and this webring is helping me find markings to a P-38J I'm building for the chapter. My father was too young to remember the war very well, but as a lifelong studier of U.S. history and especially aviation, I'd like to say "Good job, and thanks to all you vets."
I have a vintage mess kit (large military green two handled box with wood interior dividers, US service for eight) with patch 832nd Supply Squadron Supportare. Same design as described for 832nd ......part of 486th Bomb Group. Anyone know anything about this support unit. Thanks
This web site is a gold mine! I am the son of Lt. Roy D. Bronson, 835th Sqdn. of the 486th. My father was a bombardier with Lt. Cross' crew. This web site has provided a lot of information which I never expected to find. Keep up the great work!
If any person requires info or pictures of this site PLEASE email me i can provide i have more than a passing knowledge of the 8th AF and planes so dont hesitate to mail me i live 2 miles from the site . And am willing to show visitors this site G Ward
I am the stepson of Ray M. Ratcliff who was a member of Lt. Smith's crew, of the 832nd. I have most of his old flight records, including crew lists, mission lists, etc., and some old pictures. At one time he told me that he had flown in "Honey Chile". I am also a high school history teacher and introduced my classes to my stepdad and the 486th this year as part of my World War II unit. I still find that I have holes in the records. Can anyone help me piece together the information? Some of the names of targets he recorded don't exist anymore. Also, he started out flying B-24's and told me a story about flying across the Atlantic by going through Brazil? Can anybody tell me about this?
I was touched to find this site. I have attempted to present World War II to my students by getting them to be emotionally involved. I will use much of the material that is presented in this site (if it's ok). Thank you.
Hal Ratcliff, Manzano High School, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Many thanks for making the corrections I"ve sent to you in the past re the crew listings for George List and crew. A minor mix-up still exists as follows: James T. Goonan was a waist gunner (not ball), last name starts with G, not C) and Richard A. Sherman was the Ball Gunner. many thanks for your help, Norm Dahlstrom ,Co-Pilot.
My father (now deceased) was a bombardier on a B-17. His Name and rank was 1LT John M. Ekwall. When he passed away, the only item I had to try to find out what bomber group and squadron he was in was his squadron patch "Bats out of hell". thanks to your website, I now know he was in the 832nd Bombardment Squardron.
First, thanks to Robin Smith for correcting my dad's name(George L. Nason) under the picture of the Whitney crew on the 486th. I should add also that my dad was 2nd Lt. Also, I will attach some photos of my dad in Sudbury in the future. The picture I will try to attach is one with my dad, Erwin Tomaszewski and Robert F. Fennell. I wonder if anyone out there knew Jack Lessley. He was on another squad at Sudbury. My mom didn't recall which one. His wife's name was Alvera ("Dusty") and she was a nurse. My mother and dad had known them in Pensacola when they were stationed there. Jack was shipped overseas first, but Dad and he met in England again after Dad arrived there. Jack was a pilot. His plane was shot down over Germany, but he had ejected and was ok. However, my dad said that the Belgian farmers had pitchforked him to death. Terrible! Dusty remarried a few years later. My dad's place of separation was at the Separation Center at Camp McCoy, Wisc. This was about mid-Sept. 1945. The personnel officer there at the time was a Harold A. Voortman, Capt. Aus. Asst. Adj. Is he still around ? Also to Robin Smith: Richard Douglas's daughter has contacted me and we are exchanging information.
My Grandfather (Guy A Peake) was a Co-Pilot for the 385BS; 486BG (Pappy's Chillun. My grandfather passed away a couple of years ago. I was glad to see a little of his past experiences.
Thank you.
Great Web Site. I am Carl Woodard's daughter. He and my brother are pictured in a photo at the 2000 reunion at a table with some other people. You have his name as Carl Williams. Would you please change it to Woodard? I just discovered this site today and will be showing it to my dad as soon as possible. Thank you for all of this. It means a lot to the men who were there.
Shoot... I had a message up here and wasn't watching and looked up at the blue background and punched the button and wapped it off the screen. I think my note was to tell you I tried to send an e-mail to you and it was undeliverable--I sent it to gocart92*earthli.net. I got another note from you friday, april 6 and it said at the top From: gocart92*earthlink.net, then
my grandfather is in this picture, it is an honor to see this picture.
I flew 35 missions as pilot and copilot of the B-l7 with the 833 Sq.from July '44 to Jan, 45. I would like to locate my bombardeer, Robert Smith.
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