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john cerelli is my uncle and i would appreciate any pics or info on his a/c (43-39163)S of 835th squadron. here are a few pics of my models of 'little friends'. would love to do 'happy warrior'. any help would be appreciated, thank you
Hi Robin,
The book is in final stages and will be available in Nov. Give me a holler and I'll tell you what I know. I can hardly wait.
you know the all
What a wonderful collection. Lt John K. Hughes of 486th, 834th BS was a close friend of my father during 44-45. I am seeking any information about Jack Hughes - does anyone out there remember him? I would appreciate anything however unimportant or trivial.
I'm looking for any information on my father Airforce 2nd Lt Harold E. Clapp. He was with the 486th Bomb Group, in Sudbury, England, between Sept 1944 & Nov 1945. I have very few details of this time in his service record, but hope someone might have some information they would be willing to share with me. I would be delighted to hear from anyone who might have known my father. I may be contacted at the above listed email address. We lost Dad to lung cancer June 1, 1988. He is still very much missed by his remaining family. Thank you for any information I might receive on my father and I would like to say how enlightening this site was to me on past history.
My father, Robert L. Artz, of the 835 bomber squadron, 486th group flew on Sill's crew (the Shirley B 17G #846 E) as a waist gunner. He passed away last year and I would like to learn more about his life in the war. Anyone with information about him, please email me. I have a learned a lot from this website! What brave men and women there where during the war; thank you to all that served. You are all hero's.
Enjoyed your web site. My uncle, Roy Lee Henry, was a part of the 486th. He was killed on his first mission, Dec. 1944. I appreciate what all of you are doing in keeping memories alive of a special time in history. We all owe a lot to you all.
i was a gunner on Rileys crew 486th BG 833 BS 1944 & 45. Thanx for the visit
great site...I was looking for info on the 5grand B-17 , as my father worked at the Boeing plant in Seattle from late 42 to 44. His job was putting on the cowling flaps bell cranks on #2&3 inboard engines...his name was on those engines on the 5 grand. He always wondered what had been her history, and where she had flown. Again thanks, Larry
I was a member of the 835th Squadron, 486th Bomb Group stationed at Sudbury.England. I was originally with Lt Paul George until his plane (B-24) was shot down (I was not on this mission as it was my "day- off" as they were trying to "conserve" Navigators. I was subsequently assigned to flying witb Pilot Nathan Adler. Then on my l8th mission on the way to Hamburg when we got hit by flak three times. When fire broke out on the starboard engines and the pilot could not extinguish the fire, we bailed out of the burning aircraft and barely got out in time before the plane exploded at about l8,000 ft;. I barely had time to help my wounded bombardier Joe Richter don his parachute and pushed him out from the emergency exit and then hurriedly snap on my own chute and then bailed out at about l8,000 ft. I saw the plane blow up shortly afterwards as I was floating down...God must have been good to me. I was subsequently captured by the Wehrmacht in a small town called Wesermunde--and luckily not by the civilians or the SS or the Gestapo who would probablyhave roughed me up good. The Wehrmacht was told by Goering to treat the airmen with respect as airmen would make good hostages or "dickering cards" in case Germany was to lose the war. I was a POW for about 9 months and remember some rough times in those times like having to evacuate Stalag Luft 3 in Sagan during a blizzard when the Russians were breaking through the River Oder in the South....I remember being so exhausted that night having marched all night in a blizzard.....I was ready to lay down and go to sleep in the snow as I was that bushed and with a stomach ache and with no feeling on my toes. It was a good thing my fellow POW, an Austrailian by name of Nelson stayed with me and would notleave me as he knew I was going to lay down and sleep in the sn0w. Guys like me from Hawaii were not used to snow and ice; and I am glad I managed to weather all the journey from Stalag Luft 3 in Sagan to Nuremburg. Nuremburg was a hell hole as it was next to a marshalling yard and it was bombed day and night as a consequence. Everything that moved was strafed and we thoght that our camp was going to obliterated in some of these bombing raids by the British when tbey were dropping their eggs between a flare path lit by chandelier flares dropped by their Mosquito fighters earlier;. When the wind started to blow them over toward us in the cover, we thought we thought our camp was going to be wiped out--like a similar accident we heard earlier under similar circumstances when bombing over a cloud cover and b;nking on chandelier flares. God must have ordained to let me go as I must have paid my dues somewheheres along the line. I am one lucky guy; when I joined the Air Cadets back at Hickam Field, Hawaii, my mother insisted that we go to see a Chinese fortune teller as she was worried about my as her only son and only grandson in our family; the fortune teller after looking at my handss and face for t;he lines ehey only u;nderst5and--he told her I would come back. And so the prophecy came to pass....I was liberated at Mooseberg by General Patton's 3rd Army Tannks. I figure my father and ancestors and God must have ordained that this one will be let go....he's paid his dues....Sam Lum
I was in the 835th and have a picture of our {Hasting} crew. How and to who can I e-mail it to?
My father Lecil E Williams is a member of the 486th bomb group , 835 bomb squadron
I would to get a good E-Mail address for Paul Stuart. I was the ground Crew Chief on his fathers airplane attempts to E-Mail have been returned. Paul has two entries dated July 16, 2003. Aye, Jim
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