A-2 Reporting Sec. 4th Bomb Wing 486th Bomb Gp
OPERATIONAL INTELLIGENCE REPORT, 486 A, B, C and D Squadrons. MISSION Castrop-Raunel 7 March, 1945. 1. Leaflets: None 2. Bombing results: Order of attack was "B," "A," "C," and "D" squadrons. Results from all squadrons "unobserved." Micro-H (Cat and Mouse) Technique was used. "A" sqdn lead did not properly receive the beacons so the lead squaddron echeloned into the #2 position, the "B" squadron took over the lead and "A" Bombed on this squadron. Assigned M.P.I was used by all squadrons. S.A.V.S. were obtained but are obscured by clouds. Lead and high squadron obtained 16 mm film. 3. Enemy Aircraft: None 4. Flak: Meagre inaccurate tracking flak encountered a battery at 5205N 0710E. Meagre to moderate accurate tracking flak encountered over the target area. 5. Weather: 9/10 to 10/10's undercast over target area and most of route. 6. Observations: none 7. Other information: fighter support was satisfactory. |
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