num id hs pilot 3 |
LEAD | num id hs pilot 2 |
K-21 | ||||
num id hs pilot 1 |
16MM | |||||||
num id hs pilot 6 |
num id hs pilot 5 |
num id hs pilot 4 |
K-20 | |||||||
LOW | num id hs pilot 9 |
(SJ) | num id hs pilot 8 |
K-21 | HIGH | |||
num id hs pilot 3 |
num id hs pilot 2 |
num id hs pilot 7 |
(SJ) | num id hs pilot 3 |
num id hs pilot 2 |
num id hs pilot 1 |
num id hs pilot 1 |
K-21 | |||||
num id hs pilot 6 |
num id hs pilot 5 |
num id hs pilot 6 |
num id hs pilot 5 |
num id hs pilot 4 |
num id hs pilot 4 |
K-20 | ||||||
num id hs pilot 9 |
num id hs pilot 8 |
LOW-LOW | num id hs pilot 9 |
num id hs pilot 8 |
num id hs pilot 7 |
num id hs pilot 3 |
num id hs pilot 2 |
num id hs pilot 7 |
num id hs pilot 10 |
num id hs pilot 1 |
num id hs pilot 10 |
SPARE PFF: | num id hs pilot 6 |
num id hs pilot 5 |
K-21 | |||||
num id hs pilot 4 |
K-20 | |||||||
num id hs pilot 9 |
num id hs pilot 8 |
num id hs pilot 7 |
num id hs pilot 10 |
The online flimsies (Form #15) have a layout similiar to the above. "Num" indicates the aircraft's tail number (last 3-4 digits), the "id" is the call sign, and "hs" is the hardstand number. This plan represents the "diamond" formation used later in the war. The low-low ("Diamond") squadron was not used in the earlier missions. The air commander flew with the lead squadron in plane #1. Some missions included an additional element bringing the squadron strength to 13 ships. Some flimsies are missing and the formation diagrams are used instead. Missions flown with B24's use a "Tail view" format and show the formation as viewed from behind. This layout does not represent the formation over the target. After the aircraft have assembled as a group, the lead aircraft (#1) assume the leads of the respective squadrons, any unnecessary airborne spares then return to base. The bombers fly enroute to target in the standard box formation. The aircraft designated as #1 are the lead aircraft, and fly at the van of their squadron. His wingmen are #2 and #3. These three aircraft form the lead element. Each squadron is composed of 3 to 4 elements. Five minutes prior to IP, the lead ship fires two red flares. At this time the low squadron manuevers outside of the high formation. All three squadrons then turn into the IP point in trail formation. The low-low squadron, if present, brings up the rear. The initial point (IP) point is positioned downwind from the target (as predicted by the weather squadron earlier that day). When the squadron is committed to the run on the target, the lead bombardier guides the formation. All aircraft drop on his cue. Immediately after "bombs away" the pilot resumes control of the aircraft and the formation executes a 1000' dive away from target to pick up speed. At the same time the lead squadron turns toward the rally point (RP). The other squadrons turn inside and assemble on the lead squadron in the pre-IP formation and head home. On each mission flimsy, air crews colored red indicate an aircraft shot down; blue denotes a forced landing in friendly territory; purple indicates the aircraft aborted; dark gray show low flights; light gray indicates aircraft flying with another group. Other crew data indicate the pilot, the aircraft number, call letters and hardstand number. Aircraft designated K-20/21 were camera ships. Those designated 16MM carried motion picture cameras. Aircraft designated (SJ) were spot jammer ships. |
Mission Details F - flimsy; L - loading list; R - mission reports; P - strike photo; M - map; B - bomb plot |
001 07May44 FLMR |
002 08May44 FLBR |
003 09May44 FLBR |
004 11May44 FLR |
005 20May44 FLR |
006 23May44 FLR |
007 24May44 FLR |
008 25May44 FLR |
009 27May44 FLR |
010 28May44 FLR |
011 29May44 FL |
012 30May44 FL |
013 31May44 FL |
014 04Jun44 FL |
015 06Jun44 FL |
016 06Jun44 FL |
017 06Jun44 FL |
018 07Jun44 FL |
019 08Jun44 FL |
020 11Jun44 FL |
021 12Jun44 FL |
022 14Jun44 FL |
023 15Jun44 FL |
024 16Jun44 FL |
025 17Jun44 FL |
026 20Jun44 FL |
027 20Jun44 FL |
028 22Jun44 FL |
029 24Jun44 FL |
030 25Jun44 FL |
031 25Jun44 FL |
032 27Jun44 FL |
033 28Jun44 FL |
034 29Jun44 FL |
035 30Jun44 FL |
036 01Jul44 FL |
037 02JUL44 FL |
038 04Jul44 FL |
039 05Jul44 FL |
040 06Jul44 FL |
041 08Jul44 FL |
042 09Jul44 FL |
043 12Jul44 FL |
044 14Jul44 FL |
045 17Jul44 FL |
046 18Jul44 FL |
047 19Jul4 FL |
048 20Jul44 FL |
049 21Jul44 FL |
050 01Aug44 FL |
051 02Aug44 FLRBM |
052 03Aug44 FL |
053 04Aug44 FLRM |
054 05Aug44 FL |
055 06Aug44 FL |
056 07Aug44 FL |
057 08Aug44 FLR |
058 09Aug44 FL |
059 11Aug44 FL |
060 13Aug44 FL |
061 14Aug44 FLM |
062 15Aug44 FL |
063 16Aug44 FL |
064 18Aug44 FL |
065 24Aug44 FLRPMB |
066 25Aug44 FL |
067 26Aug44 FL |
068 27Aug44 FL |
069 30Aug44 FL |
070 01Sep44 FL |
071 03Sep44 FL |
072 05Sep44 FL |
073 09Sep44 FL |
074 10Sep44 FL |
075 11Sep44 FL |
076 12Sep44 FL |
077 13Sep44 FL |
078 17Sep44 FLRMPB |
079 19Sep44 FL |
080 21Sep44 FL |
081 25Sep44 FL |
082 26Sep44 FL |
083 27Sep44 FL |
084 28Sep44 FL |
085 02Oct44 FL |
086 03Oct44 FL |
087 05Oct44 FL |
088 06Oct44 FLRS |
089 07Oct44 FL |
090 09Oct44 FL |
091 14Oct44 FL |
092 15Oct44 FL |
093 17Oct44 FL |
094 18Oct44 FL |
095 19Oct44 FL |
096 22Oct44 FL |
097 25Oct44 FL |
098 26Oct44 FL |
099 30Oct44 FL |
100 02Nov44 FL |
101 04Nov44 FL |
102 05Nov44 FL |
103 06Nov44 FL |
104 09Nov44 FL |
105 10Nov44 FLR |
106 16Nov44 FLM |
107 21Nov44 FL |
108 25Nov44 FL |
109 27Nov44 FL |
110 30Nov44 FL |
111 04Dec44 FL |
112 06Dec44 FL |
113 10Dec44 FL |
114 11Dec44 FL |
115 12Dec44 FL |
116 16Dec44 FL |
117 23Dec44 FLR |
118 24Dec44 FL |
119 26Dec FL |
120 28Dec44 FL |
121 29Dec44 FL |
122 30Dec44 FL |
123 31Dec44 FL |
124 01Jan45 FL |
125 02Jan45 FL |
126 03Jan45 FL |
127 05Jan45 FL |
128 07Jan45 FL |
129 08Jan45 FLRBP |
130 10Jan45 FL |
131 13Jan45 FL |
132 14Jan45 FL |
133 16Jan45 FL |
134 18Jan45 FL |
135 20Jan45 FL |
136 21Jan45 FL |
137 28Jan45 FL |
138 29Jan45 FL |
139 01Feb45 FL |
140 03Feb45 FL |
141 06Feb45 FL |
142 09Feb45 FL |
143 14Feb45 FL |
144 15Feb45 FL |
145 16Feb45 FL |
146 17Feb45 FL |
147 19Feb45 FL |
148 21Feb45 FL |
149 22Feb45 FL |
150 23Feb45 FL |
151 24Feb45 FL |
152 25Feb45 FL |
153 26Feb45 FLR |
154 27Feb45 FLR |
155 28Feb45 FL |
156 02Mar45 FL |
157 03Mar45 FLR |
158 04Mar45 FLR |
159 07Mar45 FLR |
160 08Mar45 FLR |
161 09Mar45 FLR |
162 10Mar45 FL |
163 11Mar45 FL |
164 12Mar45 FL |
165 14Mar45 FL |
166 15Mar45 FL |
167 17Mar45 FLR |
168 18Mar45 FL |
169 19Mar45 FL |
170 21Mar45 FLRBM |
171 22Mar45 FL |
172 23Mar45 FL |
173 24Mar45 FLR |
174 28Mar45 FL |
175 30Mar45 FL |
176 31Mar45 FL |
177 03Apr45 FL |
178 04Apr45 FL |
179 05Apr45 FL |
180 07Apr45 FL |
181 08Apr45 FL |
182 09Apr45 FL |
183 10Apr45 FL |
184 11Apr45 FL |
185 14Apr45 FL |
186 15Apr45 FL |
187 16Apr45 FL |
188 17Apr45 FL |
189 19Apr45 FL |
190 20Apr45 FL |
191 21APR45 FL |
Victory tour 1 | ||||||||
Mission Summaries: |
Copyright © 1998-2025, 486th Bomb Group Association. |