- MAJ Hunter Smith (Brown)
- CAPT Bob Whitney (Brown/Hutchins)
- CAPT James F. Gardenhire (Brown)
- CAPT Dick Grace (O&W)
- CAPT Scott, LT Boyle, & COL Overing (Cross)
- CAPT Jim Walker
- CAPTs John and Ed Rex (O&W)
- CAPT Homer "Pete" Lewis (Lewis)
- LT Lang
- LT Ownie B. Wouri (Wilde)
- LT Ernest Berry (Berry)
- LTs Francis Brown & Roger Lord (A. Brown)
- LT Hrabko (Groeneveld)
- LT Mullen and LT Harris (Brozenske)
- LT Francis Brown & et al. (A. Brown)
- LT Carl Runge (O&W)
- LT J.C. Coats (Coats/Krikorian)
- LT John Albanese (Albanese)
- LTs Mayfield and Chilton (Mayfield)
- LT DeHaven and LT Teddy (Wilde)
- LT Andy Russell, S-2
- LT Simpson (Wilde)
- LT Rex Wilde (Wilde)
- LT Paris and CAPT Grace (O&W)
- LTs Thomas, Doty, Bogart, and Mitchell
- LT Zaltzmann
- LT George Nason, II (Paavola)
- LT Aspholm (Brown)
- LT Hawkette
- LT Rohan and LT Wrolsen
- LT John Murphy (Marsteller)
- LT Harold Jernigan, 835th (Jernigan)
- LT John Belay (AFHRA)
- LT Lyon and LT Jernigan (Lyon/Jernigan)
- LT John Rivers (Lane)
- LT Moss' crew and passengers (Moss)
- LT Rex and SGT Seidel
- LTs Brandstein and Regaluto (Bollinger)
- LTs McDermott, Roberts and Doty (Brown)
- LT Raymond Sommers (Brown)
- LT John Braun (Braun)
- LT Paquin and SGT Gurdak (Brown)
- LT Michael Staniello (Brown)
- LT Robert Stubbs (Brown)
- LT Miller (Brown)
- LT Al Cory and CAPT Dusty Rhoads (Brown)
- LT Fred Hendricks (NARA/Andrews)
- LT Walter Bloom (Brown)
- LT Richard Gurvine (Gurvine)
- LT Arthur Dembowski (Farandays)
- LT Joseph Grabow (Lutz) new
- Officers of the Berry crew (Lane)
- S/SGT Morrell (Morrell)
- S/SGT Laban (Labow?) (Morrell)
- S/SGT Bob Arnold (Arnold)
- S/SGT Jack M. Truxell (USAF)
- S/SGT Bob Arnold (Brown)
- S/SGT Phil Anderson (Anderson)
- S/SGT William Ransone (May/Ransone)
- S/SGT Art May (O&W)