Name of crew member:
Serial number
Position:          Crew (Bomber) or Flight (Fighter):
Kenneth E. Lamer
Second Lieutenant

Did he bail out?   yes

Where?  Beckendorf Germany 30 kilometers west of Magedeburg

If not, why not?

Last contact or conversation just prior to or at time of loss of plane: Goodbye

Was he injured? No

Where was he when last seen? Marching toward Magedeburg, Germany, with the other

Any hearsay information? None


Any explanation of his fate based in part or wholly on supposition: Wholly on supposition I think he, and companions, ran into SS troopers on East side of Elbe River because I talked to another fellow who was down in that area at that time and who mentioned that that area was occupied by SS troopers and that he saw many dead air men hanging from trees at that time.

Total number of missions of above crew member: 23

Dates and destinations if possible: ? I lost record of my own


[webmaster's note: This questionnaire is filled out by surviving crewmen who would have best information regarding missing crewmen. This was filled out by LT Kenneth Dolan after his repatriation. The other surviving crewmen have also filled out these questionnaires, but shed little light on the events subsequent to the shoot down.]

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