1. Your name: Kenneth P. Dolan                        Rank: 1st. Lieut.              Serial No. 0778748
  2. Organization: 832nd B.Sq./486th BG/APO 559  Gp. Commander ? Rank: Col Sqn CO Clyde Thompson Rank LT Col
  3. What year 1945   month April   day 10  did you go down?
  4. What was the mission? Brandenburg Airfield, target, Same, target time, ?, altitude, ? route scheduled ?,
    route flown ?
  5. Where were you when you left formation? Brandenburg Airfield, Germany
  6. Did you bail out? Yes
  7. Did other members of crew bail out? Yes
  8. Tell all you know about when, where, how each person in your aircraft for whom no individual questionnaire is attached bailed out. A crew list is attached. Please give facts. If you don't know, say: "No knowledge". The remaining members of crew all bailed out and eventually returned to 2.of I. safely.
  9. Where did your aircraft strike the ground? Near Beckendorf Germany 30 kilometers west of Magedeburg
  10. What members of your crew were in the aircraft when it struck the ground? (Should cross check with 8 above and individual questionnaire) None
  11. Where were they in aircraft?
  12. What was their condition?
  13. When, where, and in what condition did you last see any members not already described above?
    S/SGT Marks, LT Lamer, LT Murphy, and SGT Saraockas were captured on the ground and collectively in a room in a building in Beckendorf, Germany. Our 2nd Armored division, 67 Regiment (I remember) forced the Germans to retreat the same evening. I, having sprained too, ankle, & knee sustained from my parachute jump, was unable to walk when we were ordered to march 25 kilometers toward Magedeburg that evening. However, the other four managed to take turns carrying me, until after about 3 km., they could take me no further, where upon I sat down by the side of the road, and after some arguing, one of our two guards stayed with me, and the other marched on with the four and that was the last I saw or heard of any of them. I then got on a wagon going back to Beckendorf to the German C.P. - there meeting another of my crew. SGT Maxim who had a broken angle and had been captured in my absence. The two of us were subsequently rescued. Treatment of us by the Germans was at all times very good and the guard assigned to the missing four was also seemingly a good fellow (wehrmacht).
  14. Please give any similar information on personnel of any other crew of which you have knowledge. Indicate source of information.

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