Places and Things

  1. 835th Living Area (Brown)
  2. Village outside of the 835th living area (Brown)
  3. "Texas Night" (Brown)
  4. 486ers on leave (Whyte)
  5. Link Trainer (Andrews)
  6. Chute shop (Andrews)
  7. Throat Mike (Phillips)
  8. Bartl crew memorial (Helt)
  9. Embroidered hankie (Rachak)
  10. 832nd Work and crew areas (Jump)
  11. Bartl Memorial 2003 (Helt)
  12. Swords to Plowshares (Solomon)
  13. Jeep (Keller)
  14. "Nobody Getzit" relics (Saouzanet)
  15. Downtown Sudbury (Brown)
  16. Delta-Cardiff Heritage Festival Days (Marsteller)
  17. Station #174 in the 1970's (Andrews)
  18. Station 174 (3 photos)
  19. Station #174 today (Beach)
  20. Station #174 today (Rowland)
  21. Runway 25 (Andrews)
  22. Kingman (Streicher/Solomon)
  23. Walhampton Airman Rest Home (Duncan)
  24. R & R (Farris)
  25. Tatto (Fattori)
  26. Memorial Day 2004 - Cambridge (Lumley)
  27. Memorial Plaque (Nolan)
  28. 418th commemorative plaque (Nolan)
  29. Ceiling of the American Cemetery Chapel (Bloch)
  30. Sudbury 2004 (Hobbs)
  1. Station 174 (Wood)
  2. Memorial at Tielt-Winge, Belgium (Beeken)
  3. Memorial at Villfans, France (Ulrich)
  4. 100 Mission Book cover (Fields)
  5. B17 Flight Computer (Fields)
  6. B17 Master Questionnaire (Fields)
  7. B17 Ditching procedures (Fields)
  8. Electrical clothing manual (Fields)
  9. Time and Distance Computer (Fields)
  10. First Aid manual cover (Fields)
  11. CAPT Ed Scheopner's uniform (Fields)
  12. War Rationing Book with Stamps (Fields)
  13. Gunnery (Anderson)
  14. Recovered dog tags
  15. Emergency vehicles (Kostel)
  16. B-18s (Loftsgard)
  17. VE Day
  18. Prisoner of War card (Effinger)
  19. Sudbury 1995 (Andrews)
  20. Sudbury 1944 (Andrews)
  21. Briefing Hall (Andrews)
  22. Load Adjuster (Solomon)
  23. Silk Map (Solomon)
  24. 50 caliber round (Solomon)
  25. Bill Effinger returns to Belgium (Hoeck)
  26. Tribute to Ron Bereman (Norris)
  27. Shot out cylinder (Plummer)
  28. POW Camps in Germany (Manford)
  29. Relics of 42-52764 (Dubois)
  30. B17 Data

[Pg 01 | Pg 02 | PG 03]

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